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企业网站:Shanxi Y&D Flying Trading Co., Ltd      浏览:1329

网站建设项目:Shanxi Y&D Flying Trading Co., Ltd

Shanxi Y&D Flying Trading Co., Ltd ( hereinafter‘Y&D“) was established in the year 2015 by the visionary leadership who were pioneers in the field of Engineering and Machinery spares having associated with several steel industries since the year 1990. This collaboration of long years with core metal industries and steel mills instilled the penchant to start a support function to serve the steel industries in particular and other industries in general. We take pride in the strong technical capabilities of our team with special focus on the quality of products and timely delivery. Each product is designed and manufactured with care by our team of engineers to realize the objective of zero rejection, which sets us apart from others gaining the trust of our customers worldwide.


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